Ugandans Adopt

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A Social Worker’s Perspective

Maureen Orogot  (pictured) is a Family Placement Social Worker with Child’s i Foundation. Child’s i Foundation runs Malaika Babies Home a short-term transitional care center for abandoned babies in Mengo. This is what Maureen had to say:

I believe that the best place for a child to grow up is in a family or community setting. Years of research has shown that children who stay in an institutional setting for any longer than 6 months can sometimes be damaged psychologically if they do not receive proper care. In a family setting, children learn to love and be loved and feel part of a family.

I would like to encourage all Ugandan Families to open up their hearts and homes to children. Especially to the children who have no one. In this way they will grow up with an identity, a home and a sense of culture and belonging.

Most people are apprehensive when it comes to adoption. Some of the prospective parents mistakenly believe that it is costly and takes a lot of time. There are also cultural

perceptions surrounding children in the orphanages or children’s homes. There is no guarantee that a child from an orphanage or babies’ home will turn out problematic.

Some prospective adoptive parents are sometimes reluctant to answer sensitive questions. These questions are a very important part of the adoption process. We have now processed 32 adoptions and so far we have not had one placement breakdown and I believe this is because we do such thorough assessments. We need to find out as much information to ensure parents can meet the needs of a child and we support the parents every step of the way.

Some parents come to us expecting to be given children in the shortest period possible. Some drop out when we explain the whole process because it can take up to 6 months. We follow a process that includes assessment, appearing before an adoption panel and time to bond with the child they will eventually adopt. We always advise our parents to look at the period leading up to the adoption as the “pregnancy” period. Just like it takes a mother nine months to carry a baby to term prospective parents should be willing to wait for these special children. This waiting period actually makes the experience makes the experience extra special.

Adoptive parents sometimes tend to withhold vital information during our assessments. This information is very important especially when it comes to matching them with the right children.  As social workers we do understand Parents’ fears . It is our duty to cater for both the parents’ and child’s interests in this case.  Whereas the child’s best interests are priority we also take the prospective parents’ interests are equally into consideration.

On some occasions we note that its only one party interested in the adoption. At times the spouse or family members are not interested and yet it is important for an adoptive parent to have strong support network which usually strengthens their ability to nurture a child whether adopted or biological.

Children are a gift and bring joy to a family regardless of their health status or nature of growth. Parents come to us asking for a normal child health. The most important thing is how the family nurtures, loves and brings up this child will determine how normal and health this child is.

It’s important to all Parents to know that children are a gift from God whether biological or adopted. Most adoptive parents ask for a particular age for a child which at times becomes an issue because when the process is being carried out the social worker is able to find out what age is appropriate for a certain family and where a child suits best. Because it’s always about the child’s best interest first.


Spreading the Adoption Gospel

Of Adoption and delayed Obedience at Refreshing Assemblies Muyenga .

Last Sunday, as it slowly drizzled  with rain we thought to ourselves  this is a blessing. Mother Nature was  rooting for us on this particular Sunday morning. The previous mornings had been characterized by heavy rain downpours – but not this morning. By 9am we were at Refreshing Assemblies church in the green and quiet suburbs of Muyenga hill.

As soon as we entered the church we could feel the close knit relationship of this congregation. We were greeted by an usher at the entrance and with warm smiles as we made our way in. We felt at home right away.

After the praise and worship session, Pastor Moses introduced us to the crowd. He spoke very graciously about our mission at Child’s i Foundation before I took the floor. As I held the microphone I felt calm as I couldn’t wait (and because I had spent half the night going through the presentation and my notes!) When the words Ugandans Adopt flashed across the screen I was ready.

                                                                  Part of the Ugandans Adopt Team at the presentation.

Our team was talking to the congregation about domestic Adoption and fostering in Uganda. We were taking the congregation through what it means to adopt, who can adopt and why Ugandans should adopt. And above all what it means to open up their hearts and homes to these abandoned children. How time flew fast

The highlight of the presentation was when we played Katie’s story  and saw  different emotions play out on the congregations’ faces. There was sadness, pain and then joy.Katie was abandoned a few hours after birth.However she found love and a family through adoption.

                                                                                    Katie and Mum.

When I finished, there was deafening silence. For a split second I was not sure what to expect until the congregation broke out into thunderous applause. It was the most rewarding experience.

Pastor Moses took over the pulpit and spoke about adoption and the church. He passionately appealed to the congregation to listen to their hearts, ending with “delayed obedience is disobedience.”

After the service we had a great time meeting the congregation members. The great news is most of the members asked for directions to Malaika Babies Home, our transitional care centre. The women’s group headed by Pastor Moses’ wife has pledged to visit Malaika as part of their outreach, too. Even better news is that we have two new prospective adoptive parents. Over all it was a Sunday well spent.

I’d like to say a huge thank you to Pastor Moses and everyone at Refreshing Assemblies church for welcoming us – and for pledging to support us in any way they can.

We would love to visit your church, school, organization or business to talk about Ugandans Adopt. If you would like us to come along and present or if you’re interested in learning more about adoption please email [email protected] or call us on 0794948309.



PRESS:The New Vision Newspaper on the Working Together for Vulnerable Children Conference.

Together with VIVA Crane and The Ministry of Gender,Labor and social development,Child’s i Foundation held a two day Conference at Namirembe Resource Center on 28th -29th March 2013.

The conference that was themed  “Working together for vulnerable children” drew various Ugandan key stake holders working in child protection .

This is what the  Ugandan leading daily,The New Vision had to say about this conference.


Christine an adoptive parent tips others thinking of adopting.

We recently caught up with the lovely Christine an adoptive parent since April 2011. During our conversation,she offered some tips to others thinking of adopting a child.This is what she had to say:

Prepare yourself for the new child and prepare your family and your friends. Go into it wholeheartedly just as you do when you give birth to a child. This child may be adopted but she is the same in your family as a child that you give birth to.

When I gave birth to my first child, my mother told me that this child is totally dependent on me for everything. When you adopt a child know that the child is totally dependent on you for everything and they are yours for ever just like the children you give birth to.

It is important to remember that children are a gift from God and that we have a responsibility to God to take care of them and give them the best foundation that we are able to, so that they can have a bright and productive future.

Children are a blessing and little angels in our homes.

To read the full interview with Christine, please go to our section of  Real life Stories.

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The Adoption Panel Meets

The Adoption Panel in session

Last week the Adoption Panel met to vet prospective Ugandan adoptive families. The panel comprises of Nandi Ketty from the Ugandan Police Child Protection Unit, Caroline Bankusha, consultant, Rogers Mbazira from Families For Children, Christine Sempebwa , an adoptive parent, Ruth Matoya, a child psychologist from Healing Talk, Stella Ogwang and Mark Riley from the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and Sue Allan from Child’s i Foundation. Jenette Davies, an experienced adoption panelist from Cumbria, UK came to observe the session.

Currently at Malaika Babies Home we have 21 children in our care out of which one baby boy  is available for adoption . The social work team are in the process of  working with families to resettle or find permanent foster care families for the rest of the children.

We are reaching out to other childcare institutions in Uganda to invite them to attend  Panel if they have children who are available for adoption so the Panel can match them with our waiting list of Ugandan adoptive parents. Please contact [email protected]if you would like further information.

Together we can place more children into loving families in Uganda.

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Katie’s Journey


The cute Katie

Katie is a very special child, her will to stay alive despite being abandoned just a few hours after birth is inspiring. However what is more inspiring is the instant bond that she developed with her adoptive mother, Namara.

Namara opened up not just her heart but also her home to this special child by choosing to adopt and love Katie like her own. What Namara has given Katie is much more than just love and a home, she has given her an identity because adoption by Ugandan families ensures that the children preserve their culture and grow up in a setting they can identify with.


Ruth our carer at Malaika Babies Home taking care of Katie

Research has clearly shown that institutions like orphanages are not the right environment to raise a child. According to the Working Paper publication;Families not Orphanages by John Williamson and Aaron Greenberg, Orphanages are especially damaging to a child because the young children do not experience the continuity of care needed to form lasting attachments, hence these children have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships throughout their childhood, adolescence and adult lives. In addition for every three months that a young child resides in an institution, they lose one month of development, how disturbing.


That is why at Malaika Babies Home our priority is family, when an abandoned baby is brought to us. The first thing we do is search for the mother or relatives, while the baby is being given the best possible medical and general care at Malaika Babies home. The home is a transitional home and is equipped to offer temporal shelter and care for a maximum of 25 babies as we aim  to re-unite them with their family and in the event that this is not accomplished, then we proceed with domestic adoption just like we did with Katie.


Namara and Katie bonding.

The first media campaign that we ran in 2011 resulted in over 150 potential adoptive parents making contact and to date 30 of our children have now been adopted by Ugandan families. We are hopeful that this year 2013 more Ugandan families are going to open up their hearts and homes to the children currently resident at Malaika Babies Home.

                                      ” For there are no unwanted children, just unfound families”

To watch Katies’ story please view the video below.





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Child’s i 2012 Media Campaign


Our Adoption & Fostering campaign billboard in Kampala


Although adoption is slowly becoming more common in Uganda, there is still a great need for new foster and adoptive parents, especially for older children and boys.

The aim  of 2012 media campaign was to increase our number of potential adoptive parents, as well as introducing the concept of short and long term foster care to Ugandans with the hope that we would be able to recruit 2 long term foster carers for children who have outgrown Malaika Babies Home.

I came out from the UK for 6 weeks to produce this campaign, and started negotiating with companies as soon as I landed, trying to ensure that we could agree advertising deals as soon as possible.

We were lucky enough to have the amazing Limehouse Creative team on board for this campaign. They designed both of our billboards free of charge, and did a great job. We organised a photo shoot with Kampala based photographer Anne Ackermann, and spent a stressful few hours on the roof of a local shopping centre trying to capture images that would work for our campaign.


Joey, the first child to be adopted from Malaika was our billboard star, appearing on both billboards, and we have had lots of comments from people who’ve seen his face looking down at them whilst they are stuck in traffic on Jinja Rd telling us how powerful his image is.Ad Concepts kindly gave us 2 months advertising space for free, and the 8 metre by 10 metre billboard is in a great location.

For the first time we  decided to advertise on digital billboard screens – one at the large Oasis shopping mall, and one in one of Kampala’s busiest taxi parks.

Emmanuel with Rogers at Radio Simba producing our radio ads for the media campaignWe also produced a television advert to run on NTV, featuring family support worker Lydia and her family. Lydia has adopted her two youngest children, and the whole family got involved in the filming of our advert, with the youngest two boys fascinated by our camera equipment!


Although most of the content for our media campaign was produced in English, we decided to run a series of adverts in the local Luganda language on Radio Simba. We’re grateful to Rogers Mugerwa and his team for their continued support of the work that we’re doing.


We produced a Talk Show to run on national tv station NTV, and our amazing panel of guests, James Kaboggoza the Assistant Commissioner for Children, social worker Barbra and adoptive parent Christina Sempebwa debated issues connected to foster care and adoption as well as taking viewers calls. Presenter Ben Mwine did a great job, and the whole team felt extremely proud once the programme came off air.

Early in this trip I was asked to produce a documentary for the Ugandan government exploring Alternative Care. Myself and media volunteer Emma Hegarty spent a week working flat out on this projec

t and the finished documentary aired immediately after the Talk Show.

The first media campaign that we ran in 2011 resulted in over 150 potential adoptive parents contacting us, and to date 30 of our children have now been adopted. They are enjoying the chance to grow up in loving supportive families and we very much hope that this year’s campaign will result in similar outcomes for more of the children currently resident at Malaika Babies Home.

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Government Statement on adoption

The Ugandan government believes that it is best for all children to grow up in families. Assistant Commissioner for Children James Kaboggoza explains why…

“We believe that the best place for a child to grow up is in a family, in a community setting. Too many children are growing up separated from their families or orphaned, living in child care institutions.

If children grow up in institutions, they lose the meaning in their life. If they grow up in a family they learn how to love, they learn how to live with one another, they learn their duties and become responsible citizens of tomorrow. They have a sense of belonging.

We encourage Ugandan citizens to open their hearts and homes to children who have no families of their own and ,
make a place for them within their own family.” James Kabogozza, Assistant Commissioner for Children

adoption open day open day event

Adoptive Parents Coffee Morning

Families for Children hold regular coffee mornings and training session for adoptive and prospective adoptive parents. This is usually a moment where parents who are adopting or thinking about adoption, meet together for a cup of coffee to share experiences, challenges, common issues on adoption and  gain support from each other.



Adoptive and prospective adoptive parents listen  to the main speaker of the day during the last coffee morning get together.

A big number of  Adoptive and prospective adoptive parents showed up at the last  Coffee Morning that was held  on 23rd March 2013 s at CRANE/VIVA Offices in Namirembe.We had a great time getting to know each other, sharing experiences and laughing over our cups of coffee.

Please mark  20th April 2013 on your calendars. It will be the day when   a one day adoptive and prospective adoptive parents training  will be conducted from 9:00am to 3:30pm .A contribution by each  parent attending of  20,000 shillings only  goes towards their break tea, Lunch and certificates at the end of the training.

You are also encouraged to inform other prospective and adoptive parents and fostering parents about these events or forward these dates to them and encourage them to attend as well.

For more information: Email Roger Mbazira at [email protected]



Join The Debate

Formal adoption is becoming more and more common in Uganda. If you are considering becoming an adoptive parent, or are interested in short or long term foster care please visit our Facebook Page and join the debate!

If you would like more information or to speak to a social worker about becoming a foster or adoptive parent please call 0791777319 or email [email protected]