Ugandans Adopt


A Forever Home

We are thrilled to share the heartwarming story of Alvin, who has finally found a forever-loving and caring family through James and Betty. This compassionate couple always dreamed of raising a child as their own, adding to their already bustling household, which includes their children and grandchildren. Their heartfelt desire to adopt was realised when the Wakiso District Alternative Care Panel approved their request to adopt Alvin.

The Path to Fostering

James and Betty’s journey began with their interest in fostering. Their local chairman connected them with a Child’s i Foundation Social Worker, who assessed the couple’s suitability. Following this assessment, their case was presented to the Wakiso District Panel, which granted them approval to foster Alvin.

Alvin Joins the Family

Alvin joined James and Betty’s family at just 1 year and 7 months old. For a year, Alvin lived with his new family, receiving the love and care he desperately needed. During this period, James and Betty witnessed Alvin’s transformation from a timid and quiet child who was picky about food into a thriving, happy little boy.


The Joy of Adoption

Reflecting on the journey, James and Betty shared their experiences of helping Alvin overcome his early traumas. “He was timid and quiet, and he was also picky about food,” they recounted. The couple is overjoyed to see Alvin grow with the love, care, and attention he deserves. “We have taken care of Alvin for the past year and we are over the moon to finally adopt him and take full responsibility for his development and well-being,” they expressed.

A Bright Future

James and Betty are incredibly proud to witness Alvin’s remarkable transformation and integration into their family and community. “Alvin has shown a remarkable transformation. He enjoys a variety of foods now and loves playing with his siblings. He has brought joyful moments to the family,” they shared with pride.

The Importance of Family

Every child deserves to grow up in a family setting. Through adoption, Alvin now has the opportunity to grow up surrounded by a supportive community and people who will stand by him throughout his growth and development. His story shows the incredible impact of adoption and the love it can provide for children in need.

We celebrate his new beginning with James and Betty and look forward to seeing him flourish in his forever family.

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Mulungi is  a happy, eight year old boy. We have known him since he was ten months old when  he was admitted to a  babies home.

The social workers traced for Mulungi’s birth family and extended family members but their efforts were fruitless. During the tracing, social workers placed adverts in Bukedde Newspaper and on Radio Simba; both media houses are local and adverts were run in Luganda to ensure that the targeted population could understand the message.


After  fruitless tracing, Mulungi was presented to the National Alternative Care Panel for approval to be placed in a fostering to adopt family. Mulungi was approved but finding him a family was not easy as all family he was initially matched with turned him down because some were afraid of his medical history and others because he was older .

A loving family was eventually found for Mulungi and they underwent a successful bonding process. Mulungi was placed by the Probation and Social Welfare Officer in  June of  2012 in his adoptive family after staying  at the babies’ home for one year and ten months.  Mulungi was placed with Jane a single whom he brought so much joy to  because he was the child she never had. Mulungi’s adoptive extended family all grew in love with him and often during the Social Work visits the family would inform the Social Worker how they are fond of Mulungi.

Shortly after Mulungi’s placement, Jane moved in with her older sister in Kitintale where she stayed until she passed away on the 2nd of August 2014. Jane was left with ten months to foster before she could apply for Mulungi’s adoption. Mulungi’s care was taken up by Jackie- Jane’s sister  who also accepted to be assessed since Jane hadn’t completed the adoption of Mulungi. Jackie was presented before the Alternative Care Panel on the 18th of December 2014 and was approved to foster Mulungi for adoption. Mulungi is attending school and he performs well. Jackie says he is a great child and he makes their family very happy.The social worker is currently working with the Probation and Social Welfare Officer of Nakawa Division to support the family to apply for Mulungi’s adoption.



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Foster Carer Stories : How Harriet’s love for children led her to foster

At the recently concluded media engagement event , Harriet was asked how she is able to  afford to foster children in addition to caring for her own to which she replied that whereas she leads  a modest life ,her love for children has enabled her to open up her home to abandoned children. She also added that every child she has fostered has brought extra blessings into her life.  Today in our foster care stories series,  we bring you Harriet’s story:

Harriet at the recently concluded media engagement

Harriet had worked at Malaika Babies Homes for four years as a carer before the home’s closure. She was one of the original  carers at the babies’ home. After the successful closure of the babies’ home, Harriet was keen to continue working caring for children. She decided to become a foster carer and soon was trained by the team . Harriet says it was a natural next step for her. Since her training back in 2014, Harriet an emergency foster carer has taken care of 5 children. 2 of these children have been adopted into their forever families while one has been reunited with their family.

Currently, Harriet is taking care of Diana and Prince. Diana was left by her mother at a friend’s house. While our team are working hard to trace Harriet’s family, she’s thriving in Harriet’s loving arms. “She is a happy child and she loves playing” says Harriet “I feel good when I see her laugh.”Prince, a three  year-old, was found left by the roadside at two years old. He was placed with Ruth for temporary shelter, care and protection. “When he came here he was very reserved and shy,” says Harriet “he has now grown into a jolly, happy and social child.” Prince has been approved for adoption after all efforts to trace his family failed. Our team are working hard to find Prince’s new forever family.

I love children a lot, I want to give them a family“, says Harriet “I feel good when they are around.” Harriet at home with the children in her care.

We are  looking for individuals and families like Harriet who would like to open up their hearts and homes to abandoned children as we search for their forever famililies. Fostering a child is an amazing thing to do. It gives a child who has been abandoned the chance to experience the love and protection of a family. While in the loving care of foster families, they learn to trust and develop stronger relationships, grow, thrive and prepare for life.

For more information on Foster care and how to apply,click here.  If you are interested in becoming a foster carer, please email [email protected] or call on +256 (0) 776110304.  If you decide to proceed, you will be assessed by a social worker and your case will be presented before the Government Panel, before being matched with a foster child.

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Engaging the Ugandan media to create awareness and promote family based care for Ugandan children

In Uganda, the media continues to shape the agenda and change public perceptions in the country. However, in matters of children rights and protection, it sometimes portrays orphanages as a good solution without highlighting the harm they cause.With a view to change this narrative and encourage family based care, we invited top Ugandan journalists to discuss the importance of children growing up in families rather than orphanages. Invited to speak  and share their experiences on the alternative care were Harriet- a foster carer , Joel- a care leaver and  Kristian the chairman Adoptive Families Association, to help the journalists understand what alternative care is and its benefits.

“I wish I had grown up within a family,I would have a family to call my own,” said Joel Serwadda a care leaver while speaking about spending his childhood in an orphanage , leaving the orphanage as a young adult and struggling to cope  due to lack of preparation.  In the background,listening is Kristian Ssekyanzi the chairman of the Adoptive Families Association of Uganda.

Harriet has worked with and cared for children for nine years now. She was one of the original foster carers at Malaika Babies’ home. After the successful closure of the babies’ home, Harriet was keen to continue working with children and she decided to become a foster carer and soon was trained .Since her training back in 2014, Harriet has cared for 5 children in her home. 2 of these children have been adopted into their forever families while one has been reunited with their family. and  she decided to become a foster carer and soon was trained . Harriet  shared that she has seen the children placed in her care develop faster than when they are in an orphanage. “The children grow up faster and more confident,” she said.

Charles Etukuri an Editor with the New Vision newspaper discussing with teams mates from various media houses during a brain storming session at the engagement.

Most journalists noted that they had no idea what alternative care is. “When I came here, I did not understand issues surrounding protection of children, adoption or foster care,” said Juma Sseyid a journalist with Rock Mambo Radio. After the workshop, when asked what he had learnt, he was quick to say the discussions had armed him with tools to use to promote alternative care.“My radio station will undertake an initiative to promote adoption and alternative care in Tororo region” he added.Tororo is one of districts where we are currently working to transform from dependence on orphanages to family based care.Lydia Ejon a journalist from Radio Lira also shared that the discussions were an eye opener for her. “I have been inspired to make a positive change,” she said.

Mr. Shafiq Butanda the Head of the Alternative Care Unit at the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development speaking at the engagement

One of the policies under the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development is ensuring that children in Uganda grow up in families.“We encourage that instead of children being placed in residential care facilities, we want to see them going to relatives, the uncles, the sisters, the brothers and the grandparents,” said Butanda at the engagement. “To us a family is a better place for children,”

Violet Namata a journalist with NBS TV speaking during the engagement .

Changing hearts and minds is key to our work. Our work with the Government of Uganda is to help implement the Alternative Care Framework and help others embrace family-based care.  We work with Government, donors, orphanages, and families to imagine a Uganda where every child grows up in a safe and loving family. We aim to work with the media ,  to inform and equip the media  with the necessary  information and resources needed  to report on alternative care . We are happy that the Ugandan media has joined us in this cause as evidenced by this story here.

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”We want Children in families”- Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development

Keren Nshakira of HHC Rwanda presenting on their experience in transtitioning adults from institutions to independent living



Ugandan Government to preserve and strengthen families by supporting the placing of children in families

On Thursday 13th December 2018 ,  the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD) held a one day workshop with residential care institution owners and influencers from the Wakiso, Mpigi, Makindye and Tororo areas.The “Re-imagine Alternative Care Meeting” aimed to discuss the importance of orphanages placing children back into families.Speaking during the workshop, Shafiq Butanda, the Principal Probation Officer and Head of the Alternative Care Unit at MoGSLD noted that the government wants to strengthen and preserve families. “We want children in families,” he said. He noted that the government is mobilizing resources to review the children’s act especially the alternative care reforms.

Mr. Shafiq Butanda , Head of the Alternative Care Unit at the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development speaking  the workshop.

According to Aidah Agwang, an Advocacy Manager  the workshop was  aimed at providing orphanages with a platform to discuss alternatives to residential care and how they can reimagine, repurpose and rebuild their facilities.“This is the beginning of shifting mindsets and focus from owning and running residential care institutions to placing children in families,” notes Agwang.

Mary Nakazibwe the Probation Officer Wakiso District noted that “Children develop best with the family where there are primary care givers with undivided attention,”

Susan Alamai, Probation Officer, Tororo District speaking at the workshop.

Susan Alamai, Probation Officer Tororo District noted that the disctict has made great strides in regards to the reintegration process. The District, according to Alamai, has trained community based child care workers to promote keeping families together.“We have also established an alternative care panel to address the cases of children without family,”Mary Nakazibwe the Probation Officer Wakiso District noted that “children develop best with the family where there are primary care givers with undivided attention.


Over 56 participants including orphanages, NGOs and Probation and Social Welfare Officers attended the workshop and shared their experiences and learnings on the why, the when, and most importantly the how to reunite children in the orphanages with their families. There were also additional presentations from Joel Serwadda a care leaver who was let go from the orphanage at 18 years,  Harriet Nakawuki a foster carer, Melissa Kirabo an adoptee,  Agnes  a representative from the Adoptive Parents’ Association, Elton Mutize a transformational coach and Keren Nshakira a representative from Hope and Homes for Children in Rwanda among others.


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The Adoptive Families Association is Launched in Uganda

Some of the prospective and adoptive families who attended the launch

On November 10th in commemoration of World Adoption day, the Adoptive Parents Association launched at Child’s i Foundation’s offices in Bukasa, Muyenga. Prospective and adoptive parents gathered together to share their experiences and discuss the issues surrounding the adoption process.According to the Chairman Kristian Sekyanzi, the main aim of the Association is to provide a platform for experience sharing, networking and peer support for adoptive parents and children.“The formation of the Association has become relevant as parents have been going through different experiences on their adoption journeys, dealing with unfamiliar processes and delays that often get frustrating,” noted Sekyanzi. “The Association will serve as an advocacy platform to push for better streamlining of the adoption process in Uganda, to make it less strenuous for the adoptive families,” he added.


‘’I cannot remember life before my daughter, my life is so full,’’ Astrid- Adoptive Parent

“My daughter has changed my life, I don’t a remember a life where I don’t get up every day and I see this huge toothy grin that welcomes me and welcomes the day. She has taught me so much; she has taught me to appreciate the small things in life,” says Astrid, one of the adoptive parents with a smile on her face.“ She adds that “The adoption process is not the easiest process, but it is extremely rewarding when you meet your child for the first time and embark on the journey together”.She is encouraging anyone who is considering adoption to contact the Association for assistance.

35 parents and 22 children attended the meeting. While the parents, at different stages of the adoption journey, shared their experiences and challenges, the children got spend time together and play in the bouncy castle.The meeting also served as an informative Q&A session for the prospective adoptive parents.

Carol Bankusha (R), listens to Amelo an adoptive parent at the launch.

Carol Bankusha, a  member of the Alternative Care Panel at the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, shared tips on how to prepare for the final step of the adoption process. She advised against changing children’s names until after the adoption is approved. She explained that changing a child’s name had the potential of affecting court procedures which could unnecessarily complicate the process.


The Association seeks to provide guidance not only to the prospective parents, but also to the social workers and government officials. It aims to normalise adoption in Uganda by advocating for abandoned children to combat myths and misconceptions in Uganda and Greater East Africa, and encourage other families to adopt.Adoptive Parents Association will create a support network for adoptive families and those interested in adopting, as well as the adopted children. The Association is currently obtaining legal status as a not for profit organisation.


The video below bring you highlights from the Association launch event. To those who are thinking about providing a loving home for a vulnerable child in Uganda, you are welcome to join the Association. Feel free to contact us today +25676110304 or send us an email to [email protected]  for more info on how!


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The Adoptive Families Association of Uganda Launches November 10

Kampala, Uganda: On Saturday, November 10, The Adoptive Families Association of Uganda will host their first gathering for adoptive families. The Association is pleased to invite any family interested in learning more about adoption or who’ve already completed the process of adoption to join this informal celebration of friends and family.The program will include a brief introduction of the Association and its goals for the next year. This is the first organization of its kind in Uganda. Members are thrilled to encourage a thriving peer support network for adopted children and their families; as well as to better understand and assess institutional care in Uganda and help improve the quality and re-purpose the nature of services offered by residential child-care organizations through the support of adoption and fostering of abandoned children.


About the Adoptive Families Association of Uganda: The new association seeks to help all stakeholders understand the process of adoption in Uganda following best practices; to normalise adoption, encouraging other families to adopt, and advocate for abandoned children; to combat myths and misconceptions about adoption in Uganda and Greater East Africa; and to create a supportive network for adoptive families and prospective adoptive parents and their children. The Association is in the process of obtaining legal status and will be a not for profit, charitable organization.


According to Child’s i Foundation’s Country Director, Fred Mukholi, many Ugandans would love to adopt a child and give them a loving family to belong to, but they still lack guidance and information on how to do this. We are excited about the Adoptive Families’ Association because it presents a uniting platform for like-minded people. “We believe the Association will enable its members to share ideas and advocate collectively for the benefit of vulnerable children in Uganda who do not have a chance to grow up in loving and safe families”, Fred notes.

The brief morning program will take place at the Child’s i Foundation office in Muyenga.

Date: November 10 2018

Location: Child’s i Foundation

Time: 10:00am-12:00pm

To RSVP, please visit:

For more information call us on +25676110304

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Ugandan families sign up for emergency foster care

On Saturday February 27, 2016, we hosted an information event where individuals interested in emergency foster care came to learn more about why children need to grow up in families. Our social workers were present to explain what it takes to foster, and several wonderful people signed up.  Call 0776110304 or to foster a child today. You could also fill in and return the expression of interest form to us via the email [email protected]


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Neil needs a family

Neil needs a loving family. Neil was abandoned at two years old, severely malnourished and not able to walk. With specialised care and then the love of a foster mother, he has recovered, is healthy and can walk well. Neil is four years old now. He loves playing with other children and would make a wonderful sibling. He is a loving and well behaved little boy who needs and deserves a family of his own. Call 0776110304 or email [email protected] if you can give Neil a permanent loving home.


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Meet George’s family

Two weeks after George went home to his new family, social worker Evelyn made a follow up visit on him. Previously a very quiet and withdrawn boy, George was bursting with life and shouting out to his brothers and little cousin when Evelyn arrived. In this video, we document his progress in fitting within his adoptive family. George’s amazing development in two weeks only emphasises the fact that family is the best place for every child!

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For more information on adoption, please call Pamela on 0776110304 or email [email protected] today.