Mulungi is a happy, eight year old boy. We have known him since he was ten months old when he was admitted to a babies home.
The social workers traced for Mulungi’s birth family and extended family members but their efforts were fruitless. During the tracing, social workers placed adverts in Bukedde Newspaper and on Radio Simba; both media houses are local and adverts were run in Luganda to ensure that the targeted population could understand the message.
After fruitless tracing, Mulungi was presented to the National Alternative Care Panel for approval to be placed in a fostering to adopt family. Mulungi was approved but finding him a family was not easy as all family he was initially matched with turned him down because some were afraid of his medical history and others because he was older .
A loving family was eventually found for Mulungi and they underwent a successful bonding process. Mulungi was placed by the Probation and Social Welfare Officer in June of 2012 in his adoptive family after staying at the babies’ home for one year and ten months. Mulungi was placed with Jane a single whom he brought so much joy to because he was the child she never had. Mulungi’s adoptive extended family all grew in love with him and often during the Social Work visits the family would inform the Social Worker how they are fond of Mulungi.
Shortly after Mulungi’s placement, Jane moved in with her older sister in Kitintale where she stayed until she passed away on the 2nd of August 2014. Jane was left with ten months to foster before she could apply for Mulungi’s adoption. Mulungi’s care was taken up by Jackie- Jane’s sister who also accepted to be assessed since Jane hadn’t completed the adoption of Mulungi. Jackie was presented before the Alternative Care Panel on the 18th of December 2014 and was approved to foster Mulungi for adoption. Mulungi is attending school and he performs well. Jackie says he is a great child and he makes their family very happy.The social worker is currently working with the Probation and Social Welfare Officer of Nakawa Division to support the family to apply for Mulungi’s adoption.