Ugandans Adopt

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While Rukh-shana is a familiar face on the Weekend Edition news on NTV Uganda, she is also a doting Mum who is very passionate about her country Uganda . We  recently caught up with her to talk  about what makes her tick , motherhood and why she joined the Ugandans Adopt Campaign. In part 1 of the interview Rukh-shana discusses the Ugandans Adopt Campaign and her adoption journey.

Who is Rukh-shana?


Rukh-shana: She is a normal young woman who believes life is to be lived with passionate purpose and purposeful passion. Every day presents opportunities to do just that, and she grabs them with both hands.

What is the Ugandans Adopt campaign? 

Rukh-shana: Ugandans Adopt is a multi-media Campaign supported by the Government of Uganda under the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social development. The campaign aims to find Ugandan families and individuals willing and capable of giving Ugandan children a future by opening their homes and heart through adoption. The Ugandans Adopt team also offers guidance, support   and resources before, during and after the adoption process. This is done through constant updates on Facebook, twitter and the Ugandans Adopt website.  In addition to organizing pre and post adoption training sessions, they organize regular coffee mornings and social events for prospective and adoptive parents, most of which I have attended.

Why did you join the Ugandans Adopt Campaign/cause?

Rukh-shana: I joined the cause because I strongly believe that Ugandans can provide loving families and homes for Ugandan children who are forced to spend their lives in institutions. We can’t continue to sit back and watch Western families come and take our children away. These children could very well be our nieces and nephews.

What does adoption mean to you?

Rukh-shana: To me, adoption simply means giving a child of no blood relation a chance at the life I had, with a decent home, a loving family and an identity. What’s more, it’s about the chance to belong, to grow into his or her destiny, and the chance to truly live.

Rukh-shana (highlighted) with fellow adoptive parents at a social event organised by Ugandans Adopt.
Rukh-shana (highlighted) with fellow adoptive parents at a social event organised by Ugandans Adopt.

How did you come to adopt a wonderful little girl?


When I was in my twenties, I knew I always wanted to adopt a baby, even though I plan on having birth children. But I didn’t know much about the processes, and wrongly believed I needed to be rich to afford it. Over three years ago, I watched a talk show which was part of the Ugandans Adopt campaign on adoption and it helped demystify the issue for me. I started by finding out as much as I could about adoption and eventually took the plunge. The rest is history, and I have never looked back.

What advice/tips would you give to other people who are thinking of adopting a child?

Rukh-shana: I think many people know they want to adopt, but find it hard to turn their dreams into action. If you are considering adoption, you need to get enough information for you to feel ready to open your heart and home to a new member of the family. It’s a challenging step, so it is important that you are prepared:  once you take the plunge, there is no turning back.


adoption The Adoption Panel Uncategorized Video


Recently Pastor Mark Kigozi  a  renowned motivational speaker and TV presenter with  NBS TV visited us to express his interest in adopting  from us. Below we bring you the real life story of Pastor  Mark  who together with his wife Maureen  have three children, two of whom are adopted.

Pastor Mark and wife Maureen

In 1998, I fell in love with the most wonderful lady, Maureen. I had just made up my mind to follow my dream to become a Youth Pastor at Kampala Pentecostal Church, now Watoto Church. Maureen was the Youth Choir Leader and I was Youth Head, so working together gave us the time to build a solid relationship. It was a great courtship and we were married on 1st May 1999.

Little did we know it would be a long time until we could have a child. After four years of waiting, Maureen suggested we adopt a child. After all, there was no reason why we could not give a child the opportunity of having a place to call home and parents of its own. We were already opening our home to many teenagers who found comfort with us. Our lives were an open book. They spent nights tagging along on mission trips and ministry. We also did our best to be there for them when they needed a listening ear or helping hand.

Yet these teenagers only came to us for what they missed out at home and eventually had to go back. Yet there were many children out there who were rejected, and we knew we could give them a loving home. Our adoption journey saw us visit a number of orphanages until we zeroed in on Sanyu Babies Home.

The choice of picking the first child fell upon me.  I had always longed to have a little girl and so Maureen preferred that I make the final decision. Something drew me to a little baby girl, just three months of age, asleep in the hands of one of the caretakers. Before long she was in our care and we gave her the name Melissa, Kirabo Miracle Kigozi – Kirabo meaning” gift”. It was a delight to see her grow up and call us Daddy and Mummy. She is now 10 years of age.

When Melissa turned two, she decided that she needed a sibling and this time we wanted a boy. Since chemistry works better with opposites, it was Maureen’s turn to make the final decision. She said she had dreamt about this boy and seen his face.

The Kigozi’s : Maureen, Melissa, Pastor Mark, Melody, Eddie ( a friend of the family) and Maxwell

We went back to Sanyu Babies Home and met the little boys there.  After interacting with the little ones, Maureen asked the person in charge if there was any other boy in their care. And there was one little boy playing by himself in the play room. Maureen asked to meet him and it was love at first sight!He was six months old and handsome. We went home with him after a few days and we named him Maxwell. Maxwell is now eight years old and is in P3. Our two children are a source of joy and fulfillment to us; above all, they are such good friends.

About a year and eight months ago, God blessed us with a daughter, Melody. She was an unexpected gift that we received with gratitude. Her siblings, Maxwell and Melissa, had been praying for her and the love her to bits. She is our third born, so we are now a complete family of three!

Our children are all gifts from God and we treat them in order of advent. Many couples fear to adopt due to stigma from society. But we see adoption as a miracle from God and a ministry to children and God. Sometimes we wonder what would have become of our lovely children if we did not have them in our family!

What if each family opened up their hearts and adopted a child? Wouldn’t that solve the problem of parentless and street children in our country? Wouldn’t that be pleasing to God and to the nation? Wouldn’t that be the answer for a rejected, parentless child crying on their own and asking why others have families and they don’t?


If you are considering adopting  like Pastor Mark or fostering a child, we are very happy to answer any further questions that you may have. Please call Aidah  on +25676110304 or email [email protected]For more information and updates, like our Facebook page  and follow us on twitter.

To watch Pastor Mark and Maureen’s adoption story, click on the video below:


adoption The Adoption Panel


We talked to Maureen Orogot, a senior Adoption Practitioner, about adoption assessments. Maureen, who has worked in adoption for over three years, explains why thorough assessments represent a critical part of the adoption process.

What is a pre-adoption assessment?

Every prospective adoptive parent has to go through a formal assessment process. It is a crucial step in the ten steps of adoption. The Social Worker assigned to a prospective adoptive parent is responsible for the assessment, including a home study. They visit the parent at home to discuss and explore why they want to adopt, the kind of child you would best be able to care for, and your overall suitability. References are followed up and checks are made as part of the assessment process.

What does the assessment process involve?

A Social Worker and a Prospective Adoptive Parent having a discussion during an assessment

The process involves the assigned Social Worker meeting with and   interviewing the prospective adoptive parent. It also involves observation, monitoring and evaluation on the Social Worker’s part.   This is the perfect chance for the two parties to get to know and understand each other. It is a great opportunity to build rapport and trust.

Are other parties /friends/family members consulted during the assessment?

All parties ‘who will be directly involved in the upbringing of the child are consulted and interviewed at this point. This may include immediate and distant family, family or personal friends, neighbors, local council leaders, chairpersons, children in the home. Anyone else who will have contact with the child is also interviewed during the assessment.

Why is it important to thoroughly assess prospective adoptive parents?

We carry out thorough assessments to mitigate any child protection risks. They are also important for getting to know the family the child is going into. A strong support network is vital and crucial in the child’s life given that most of these children have suffered loss and rejection. As a result, experiencing rejection or abandonment again could prove traumatic and harmful to the child.

How do you ensure that an assessment is not biased or incorrect?

During the assessments, confidentiality is very important – not just for the parents, but also for the children’s safety. We also carry out second-opinion assessments to avoid any bias or incorrect information. These second opinions, which include follow-up interviews, are done by an independent social worker. This Social Worker evaluates the actions of the assigned social worker and writes a report. During the second-opinion evaluation, the emphasis is on honesty and truth. This stage usually represents the first time that the parent meets the independent social worker. These reports are presented before the Adoption Panel.

What is the role of the probation Officer in the assessment process? Are there costs incurred in relation to the Probation Officer’s involvement in the assessment process. 

The Adoption Panel reading through the assesment reports
The Adoption Panel reading through the assessment reports

We work together with the Probation Officers who also carry out independent family assessments. The involvement of the area Probation Office is vital in the assessment process. To assess the family’s ability to adopt a child, the area Probation Officer carries out an independent assessment of the family, including their history, home structure and support system.

The Probation Officer then generates an independent report on the capability of the family to adopt a child. Depending on the Probation Officer, there may also be some costs involved in carrying this assessment. In some cases, the family has to facilitate the probation officer to carry out the assessment. The facilitation will go towards covering transport and /or other costs incurred during the assessment process.

 An as Adoption Practitioner, why do you emphasize thorough assessments?

Everything we do is in the best interest of the child.
Everything we do is in the best interest of the child.

Assessments prepare the prospective parent(s) for the adoption process – both psychologically and physically. Together with their social workers, parents work through any issues that may be standing in the way of their adoption process. In most cases, it is the perfect opportunity for us to counsel and encourage parents who might want to adopt, but are either still grieving or going through a hard time. It helps them to support the child when the placement eventually happens.

We are also responsible for ensuring the child is being placed in a safe place by identifying and limiting any child protection risks, establishing how we can best support the child during and after the placement and getting to know the family. At the end of the day, the child is our number one priority and everything we do is in the best interest of the child.


For more information on adoption, please call us on 0776110304 or send an email to [email protected]


adoption open day event

Ekisa Ministries attends the Adoption Panel.

In this blog post, Joseph Kasule,  a Social worker from Ekisa Ministries describes his experience of the Alternative Care Panel.

Joseph with a little one.

This was the first time I had ever presented a case to Panel. I work for Ekisa Ministries in Jinja. We provide specialized care to children with special needs; and our aim is to place children into families. It’s not easy to place children with such complex needs into families.

We were really happy when Viola, a single mother with the full support of her long term boyfriend Davis expressed an interest to foster Zeke a 12 year old boy who had been abandoned with special needs. I had spent 3 months assessing Viola and preparing a report for the Panel including a home assessment, references, and time counseling Viola, and educating Viola on adoption.  Viola also works for Ekisa Ministries as a full time physiotherapist and she understands Zeke’s condition and knows him well.It is very  important that the prospective adoptive parent has a full understanding of what responsibility she or he is was taking on.

Some of the Children with special needs at Ekisa Ministries, Jinja.

I presented Viola’s assessment to the Panel. It took a long time, as this is the first time a child with special needs had been presented to the Panel. No one on the Panel had direct specialized experience working with children with special needs. The Panel interviewed me first and asked me questions which had not been covered in my assessment. They then interviewed Viola and asked her about her desire to adopt Zeke, and if she was ready to take on the responsibility. Viola is 25, and a single female, so the guidelines in the law were over looked due to Viola’s desire to give an older child with special needs a home. Panel was very supportive of this desire; one member stated that the system had failed this child for 12 years and it was in the best interest of the child to be in a family. I was overjoyed when the Panel approved Viola as a foster parent and matched her with Zeke.

We were very impressed with the Panel and are looking forward to presenting more children with special needs and finding them loving families. Going forward, it would be good to find a special needs expert to join the Panel to help further the understanding of the complex needs our children face.

The Adoption Panel in session
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Part two of Interview with a Social Worker: Emmanuel Shanyolah

Good social work is core to a smooth  adoption or fostering  process. Below we bring you the second excerpt of Social Worker Emmanuel’s interview. Emmanuel works with children and has been in  the adoption and fostering field for years now. We hope you will enjoy the interview like we did:
In Social work, the child’s interests are   paramount. What does that mean to you ? How do you apply it in your daily work?

We do everything possible to promote the welfare and well-being of our children. We’ve put structures in place that ensure each child is able to realise their full potential – now and as they grow up. My job means making decisions every day that will affect a child’s life. The question I always ask myself is: in whose interest is my decision? My answer should always be the child’s. For example, we had to make a very difficult decision to separate one our children from his foster mother’s care after discovering the dangers he was exposed to.

 How do you work with families in these situations? Do you encounter any difficulties? 

It’s very important that we try and help them understand the reasons why we are separating them. We meet with the child’s family to discuss the importance of child safety. We emphasise the needs of their child and the dangers they will be exposed to if something is not done immediately. Sometimes it might only be temporary as there are often opportunities to work with the family and improve their living conditions or otherwise. So there can be hope, too.

Emma at work
Emma with new arrival Ivan at a hospital where he was abandoned

At Ugandan’s Adopt we advocate for children being in families through  domestic adoption and fostering: what do you think about this?

I think it’s a great thing that Ugandan children are being taken on and adopted by fellow Ugandans. Uganda doesn’t lose on her children as a future human resource and our children will be able to remain in their native country. It’s also very important to monitor the progress of adopted families and ensure the children are happy, healthy and continuing to thrive in their care. This is made much harder if they’re adopted internationally. I am happy that Ugandans are coming up to this cause

     If you were speaking to someone who is considering adoption what would you say to them?

I would tell them they are doing a very noble thing by expending love and care to a child who needs them. The process can sometimes take longer than people expect but it is a very worthwhile and rewarding experience. Of course, adoption has its challenges but this is often no different from parenting your birth children.

Tell us about the most rewarding experience in your career so far?

It would have to be Andrew’s journey with us. He was admitted to Malaika Babies’ Home following a referral from a local police station. Andrew had been abandoned on a veranda outside someone’s home, who was known to his father. They kept him for a night with the hope that whoever left Andrew behind would come and pick him up but in the morning they reported the case to police.

As we tried to trace his family, I went back to the house where he was abandoned and discovered Andrew’s father had been in touch only two weeks before. We investigated the call logs which lead us to Andrew’s grandfather. We and told them about their grandchild which they didn’t know existed.  They were so happy! After spending time together, we successfully resettled Andrew with his extended family. We’re very pleased with progress Andrew has made and we’ve continued to support the family, helping the grandfather to expand his piggery project and increase their household income. Andrew is happy, healthy and has formed strong bonds with his family.

adoption open day

Thank you for helping us make families

A billboard advert from our first media campaign

At a recent team meeting we were discussing the incredible progress we’ve made since we began Ugandans Adopt three years ago. We had a vision for all Ugandan children to grow up in loving homes, with a family to belong to. We believed we could make families, not orphans.

Turns out, you believed us too. Not only did you believe us, you helped us. Since we started our campaign, we have been able to place over 130 children in loving Ugandan families – and we couldn’t have done this without you.

This post is just a little something we wanted to do to say thank you and to recognize the contribution you have made. Ugandans Adopt has become a passionate community, united by our vision and bound by its commitment to our children’s safety, health and happiness.



A happy family

Because of you, we have found families for children who would otherwise have nowhere to call home. Because of your love and support we have been able to grow – and we’re still growing. You have helped prove beyond doubt that there are Ugandan families and individuals willing to open their hearts and homes through adoption and fostering.

Whether you’re an adoptive or foster parent, a friend, a supporter or if you’re just following our journey on Facebook and Twitter, we wanted to say thank you. This isn’t just our success – it’s yours. And with your help, there’s no stopping us.

We are excited about embarking on the next steps of our journey together with you. Your support is going to become even more vital as we continue to grow but we believe we can do this together. Please continue to help us spread the adoption gospel by telling your friends and family about what we’re doing, sharing our vision, or simply just inviting them to join us on Facebook and Twitter so they can see for themselves.

If you’d like to know more about how you can help, or would like to become a Ugandans Adopt Ambassador, please contact Aidah on [email protected].

Thank you.

Our final message
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Amelo and Sasha.


“Adopting is a personal decision”,  says Amelo an adoptive parent .Below we bring you the rest of the interview with this inspirational single mother

Adoptive parent Amelo with her beautiful daughter at Malaika Babies Home third birthday

My inspiration to adopt was influenced by my mother during my childhood. She worked as a Nurse at a hospital and took us to visit the orphans there, a number of times, when she was taking clothes she sewed at home for them. I vowed then that I would adopt a child and I am glad that I was able to fulfil it.

How is your adoption experience so far, has the experience been a good one?

I must say the adoption experience was not as traumatic as I thought it would be. This was because of Malaika Babies Home’s efficient structured approach to the process – assignment of social worker, brief of the process, assessment for adoption approval, follow up and assistance in the legal process, pre-bonding month with baby at Malaika Babies Home and a couple of day and sleep-over outings, handover of the baby and periodic follow-ups to check on baby and mother progress. It may sound like a long process; however, with all the requirements ready from my side, it took less than two months to complete the process.

How did the other siblings (if you have children) take to the new adopted child.

Sasha Mayowale Oluka came home at 3 months old, she has settled in well and is a very happy child. It is now one year since she came home. She was given the name ‘Mayowale’ by one of my friends and it means ‘you bring joy home’ in Yoruba language and living up to her name!

Was your family happy with your decision to adopt a child?

Yes, my family and friends were happy with my decision to adopt.They have been and still are very supportive in all ways, and so has Bishop Erwau of Soroti Diocese, Church of Uganda, whom I consulted prior to the adoption for reassurance of the Church’s position on it, and after the adoption, participated in the Christening Service. 

Bishop Erwau of Soroti christening Sasha as Mum looks on.

 In what ways has your social worker been helpful? Do you feel well supported by your social worker?

My social worker has been very, very, very supportive. I now see them as friends and not as ‘the people with stern faces on the other side of adoption paperwork’. I appreciate the time they have taken to attend Mayowale’s 1 year Birthday party and her Christening Celebration, outside the formal adoption visits.

What advice/tips would you give to other people who are thinking of adopting a child?

Adopting is a personal decision.

While you seek advice from family and friends, look for it outside family and friends, in order to get a balanced view, and help in making your decision.

Below is a video of Amelo and Sasha/Mary, it  follows  the   adoption process  from beginning to end through Child’s i Foundation.




An interview with Emmanuel Shanyolah, our Social Worker

Our social work department is at the very heart of our mission. To avoid long-term psychological damage, our social workers aim to resettle children safely back into their families or with foster or adoptive parents within six months of entering our care. We interviewed Emmanuel and asked him why he believes the work he’s doing is so importan

How long have you worked with Ugandans Adopt?

It has been two years this September.

Ugandans Adopt  is unique in its approach. Tell us more about how important this is to you.

What we are doing is staggering; we are changing thoughts about orphanages in Uganda. We’re making families, instead of orphans. Every child has relatives out there and part of my role as a social worker has been to find them. We’re often successful and are able to reunite abandoned children with their extended families. If we can’t trace their family, we have found them new families through fostering and adoption.

On the growing issue of child abandonment in Uganda, in your experience, how do you think this can be reduced or prevented?

Emmanuel with Patricia whom he successfully found a loving family

I believe child abandonment can be prevented at two levels: micro and macro. At a macro level, the government needs to help to ensure that children are in school and receiving an education to help prevent teenage pregnancies and subsequent abandonment. I also believe in strengthening community support systems as communities should be involved in finding solutions for problems they are facing.

At a micro level, child protection agencies need to develop programmes to support mothers experiencing difficulties caring for their babies. To prevent abandonment, our team provide practical support to vulnerable families to enable them to keep their children. I worked with a young mother of twins who was feeding the twins on cassava flour porridge and, as a result, they were severely malnourished. The mother was unable to provide for her children and relying on her friends parents to give her a place to stay. We took the children to hospital and, after they were discharged, they came to our emergency care centre for three weeks. They were looked after by their mother with support from the carers and the nurses at Malaika Babies’ Home. When they were healthy enough to go home, we continued to support their mother with formula milk and worked with their father to help him support his family.

 How important is social work to the lives of orphans and vulnerable children?

Incredibly important – social workers are responsible for tracing for children’s families and ensuring abandoned children are able to grow up in a loving family, instead of an institution.

We follow a case management system which allows us to monitor a child’s growth and behaviour as well as completing risk and need assessments and care plans. We’re also responsible for assessing prospective foster and adoptive parent, presenting cases to the alternative care panel and reporting to probation officers. Everything we do is to make sure children have the chance to grow up with their family.

We also work with families by helping them create sustainable income and identify other available help and resources, so they can provide the best care for their children. We also provide counselling and ongoing support for families after we have resettled the child in their care. The role of a social worker cannot be overstated when it comes to he lives of vulnerable children.

What motivates you?

Very many things, but what stands out for me is seeing a child thrive in a happy home once we’ve been able to reunite them with their family. 

Emmanuel spending some time with a cutie on a break from his ever busy schedule of tracing and finding families .


For years, Ugandans have raised children of their brothers, sisters and friends – an informal version of fostering. These children have been given a chance to have a family and grow up in a loving environment.

Happy family

Formal fostering is family based care for children whose own family is unable or unwilling to look after them. The only difference between the two is that formal fostering is legally validated according to the legal system governing children’s rights in Uganda. It involves looking after children of all ages and from different backgrounds.

It means a child will live temporarily with another family depending on their circumstances while a suitable permanent solution is sought. It can be either short-term for a period of days, weeks or long-term for a period of months or even years. In some cases after a given period of time the family may apply to legally adopt the child  in their foster care.

Fostering provides children who would otherwise have no one to care for them with a safe, secure and nurturing family environment in which they can thrive. Most importantly fostering is also a partnership which focuses on the needs of the child as well as the foster parents, with social workers and institutions all working together for the security of the child.

We had a little boy in our care who we had to remove from his home  because his family was abusive. The social work team made the assessment that it would not be safe for him to be returned to his family so he was admitted back to Malaika Babies’ Home.

He spent nearly two years at Malaika but we did not want to place him in long-term care. He deserved and had the right to a family. Every day you could see him getting more and more frustrated. He was old enough to know exactly what was going on. All his friends were being resettled with their families or new families.

No child should have to spend their life in care, begging strangers love them and take them home. After a year of trying to find a family to foster him on a long term basis we finally found a wonderful Ugandan couple who run a school. They were approved by the adoption panel week and after spending time bonding with them he went home with his family.

Happy together

At Ugandans Adopt, we are looking forward to many more foster care happy endings just like this one. We are asking every able Ugandan family to open up their homes and their hearts to children that need a family to call their own and somewhere to belong.

For more information on how fostering, send an email to [email protected] or call 0776110304

adoption open day event Video

Bonding, attunement and attachment in adoption.

Sarah Mirembe speaks at the get together

“Attunement is the perfect sync where my child will cry and I will know exactly why” Sarah Mirembe, child psychologist, Right to Improved Child Health (RICH Consult)

At our recent adoptive and prospective adoptive parents get together, we had an open forum where parents could share their worries and their joys about adoption. Sarah joined us and spoke on three key issues: bonding, attunement and attachment.

Adopting a child is an incredibly rewarding experience for many parents whether or not they have biological children of their own however, like most things, it doesn’t come without some worries. One of the biggest worries that parents can have is whether they’ll be able to bond with their adopted child.

Bonding or attachment refers to the emotional connection or the strength of the relationship between one person and another. In parenting terms, bonding is the relationship which develops between a parent and their child.

Bonding is crucial to the healthy development of an infant’s brain during the first two years of their life. It is most is successful when there is constant communication and contact between the mother or primary care giver and baby. In most cases, bonding is easiest when the child is adopted in infancy.

At Malaika Babies’ Home, once a child arrives they’re assigned one carer for the duration of their stay. This is so they can form attachments with their primary care giver and help to ensure healthy development. When an adoptive parent is matched with the child, there is a transitional period whereby the parent is able to spend time bonding with them before taking them home. This is also important for the child to transition the bond that they’ve developed with their carer. As all our children will have already formed healthy attachments this should be a time of great joy for both parent and child as they get to know one another. When the time comes to take their child home there should already be a strong bond developing between them which will only strengthen after more time together.

Carers at Malaika Babies Home


Could you give a child a loving family? For more information on adoption please send an email to [email protected] or call 0776110304

To watch the rest of Sarah’s presentation, click on the link below.