“Adopting is a personal decision”, says Amelo an adoptive parent .Below we bring you the rest of the interview with this inspirational single mother

My inspiration to adopt was influenced by my mother during my childhood. She worked as a Nurse at a hospital and took us to visit the orphans there, a number of times, when she was taking clothes she sewed at home for them. I vowed then that I would adopt a child and I am glad that I was able to fulfil it.
How is your adoption experience so far, has the experience been a good one?
I must say the adoption experience was not as traumatic as I thought it would be. This was because of Malaika Babies Home’s efficient structured approach to the process – assignment of social worker, brief of the process, assessment for adoption approval, follow up and assistance in the legal process, pre-bonding month with baby at Malaika Babies Home and a couple of day and sleep-over outings, handover of the baby and periodic follow-ups to check on baby and mother progress. It may sound like a long process; however, with all the requirements ready from my side, it took less than two months to complete the process.
How did the other siblings (if you have children) take to the new adopted child.
Sasha Mayowale Oluka came home at 3 months old, she has settled in well and is a very happy child. It is now one year since she came home. She was given the name ‘Mayowale’ by one of my friends and it means ‘you bring joy home’ in Yoruba language and living up to her name!
Was your family happy with your decision to adopt a child?
Yes, my family and friends were happy with my decision to adopt.They have been and still are very supportive in all ways, and so has Bishop Erwau of Soroti Diocese, Church of Uganda, whom I consulted prior to the adoption for reassurance of the Church’s position on it, and after the adoption, participated in the Christening Service.

In what ways has your social worker been helpful? Do you feel well supported by your social worker?
My social worker has been very, very, very supportive. I now see them as friends and not as ‘the people with stern faces on the other side of adoption paperwork’. I appreciate the time they have taken to attend Mayowale’s 1 year Birthday party and her Christening Celebration, outside the formal adoption visits.
What advice/tips would you give to other people who are thinking of adopting a child?
Adopting is a personal decision.
While you seek advice from family and friends, look for it outside family and friends, in order to get a balanced view, and help in making your decision.
Below is a video of Amelo and Sasha/Mary, it follows the adoption process from beginning to end through Child’s i Foundation.
4 replies on “Amelo and Sasha.”
As Sasha’s godmother I have to say the young lady is a delight and I am so glad she is a member of our family. I look forward to seeing her grow into a happy and productive member of society. Thanks to all who helped bring her our way.
The site and video clip are inspirational Amelo. Thank you for sharing it. I hope many people become inspired to adopt. The Lord bless and keep you both.
Fantastic job Amelo!!! I have had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with the little madam during my visits to Uganda . I have seen you bond with her and must admit you’re a natural and you make it seem so easy .
She’s such a happy child, wanting for nothing…
God bless your kind heart
Truly inspirational, congratulations and well done Amelo!